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What You See is Only Part of What You Get – A Meditation On the Magnificence of Mystery | Archdiocese of Washington

What You See is Only Part of What You Get – A Meditation On the Magnificence of Mystery | Archdiocese of Washington


  1. Both Science and Religion view mysteries as central to their raison d'etre.

    The most exciting moment in science is not the Archimedian shout of Eureaka but the quizical "that's strange"; meaning new fodder for exploration and explanation.

    In Religion it's more like the Philip Henslowe character in Tom Stoppard's Shakespeare in Love. When faced with events he can't understand, shrugs his shoulders and says "It's a mystery".

    A mystery is not a sop for solace but a irritant for inquiry.

  2. God was used to explain the weather, the crops, the trembling of the earth, sickness and health etc...

    We now have meteorology, agronomy, geology, medicine etc...and few civilized people seriously suggest that a God or Satan is still needed to explain any of these things.

    God's role has been downsized - but theists still offer up their God to fill in the cracks about what we still don't know...things like - Where do we come from? or Where do we go when we finish this life? That is pretty much it for the BIG questions still left unanswered.

    The existence of god is essentially reduced to an argument from ignorance (you can substitute "awe" for "ignorance", but the effect is pretty much the same).

    This article is just an elaborate appeal to ignorance. Yawn.



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