The NCR is showing its prejudice by describing Pope Francis's response to this question as a 'struggle'. It's evident that he didn't struggle but, in fact, used who used this simple question to great catechetical advantage. Simply put, he used the suffering in that girl's life to highlight our shared responsibility for them. Imagine, he suggested if we were so moved by compassion for her situation that we eliminated all human injustice from the world, leaving only the natural elements of creation to bring suffering into anyone's life. Imagine how much better life would be not only for that crying child before him, but for all of us as well if we could achieve such an end? In saying this, he challenges the premise of her question that God is the cause of her suffering and pain. By pointing out that it has been our lack of concern, compassion, and commitment that has multiplied her initial injury many times over, he reduces God's responsibility for her c