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Showing posts from February, 2015

Vatican approved 'pay to pray' order angers Catholics in Germany

This is wrong on so many levels! But at its base, when did financial support become a prerequisite for belonging to the Church? Yes, I know that people share a moral obligation to support the Church if they are members, but when did that support necessarily come with a dollar sign? Vatican approved 'pay to pray' order angers Catholics in Germany

Need a little 'pick me up'? Here's a video that did it for me this morning! I hope it does the same for you.

Faithful Fishing: A men's retreat for the opening of fishing season 2015

So here's the question: Would there be eight to twelve Catholic men who would want to come together for a 4 day/3 night fishing trip at a quality exclusive rights outfitter (Dumoine Lake Cottages) for a reasonable price for the opening of the walleye season 2015? I would be onsite as cook & chaplain. I will celebrate mass each day and anyone is welcome to participate if they choose. I will provide everything required for three square meals a day, a clean and warm cabin, and G od will no doubt provide the fish. (Climate is entirely within the domain of Mother Nature though so there's no guarantee of good weather. It's been a long time since the Church could tell any woman what to do, so when it comes to staying warm and dry outside, it's every man for himself.) All you would need to bring are your clothes, sleeping bag, fishing equipment, personal flotation device, personal libations and snacks. The cabin we would be using is a two-storey log building that can c

Wynne says homophobia fuelling some sex ed protesters: report | CTV News

Homophobia? Really? So the premier believes that parents who are objecting to the province implementing this new sex-ed curriculum for teaching kids about homosexuality and that gender is a 'changeable social construct' in Gr. 3, and the details of how to practice anal and oral sex and masturbation by the time they leave elementary school are being homophobic? Perhaps this is just a desperate allegation made by a politician trying to deflect attention from the fact that the author of this inappropriate curriculum is now facing gay child pornography charges in court. Does she think that the sex crimes her highly paid consultant has been charged with are also fueled by a homophobic police force? Wynne says homophobia fuelling some sex ed protesters: report | CTV News

February 2015: Top 12 Movies About Faith Now Streaming on Netflix - Aleteia

Here's an excellent Lenten activity: watching movies that help to strengthen the values that underpin faith! As a priest, I'd add one more to this list... 'Calvary'.  February 2015: Top 12 Movies About Faith Now Streaming on Netflix - Aleteia

A Star Passed Through the Solar System Just 70,000 Years Ago: Holy Maurading Stars Batman! 70,000 year ago?? That's like yesterday in geologic time!

A Star Passed Through the Solar System Just 70,000 Years Ago

A paean to love to put people in the mood for Valentine's Day

Why legalized euthanasia as established by the Canadian Supreme Court scares me.

Here is the answer I offered to a friend of many years when he posited on my Facebook account that Legalized Euthanasia was logical and a good for our society. ---------------------------------------- Larry: But of course you're correct! But I believe you stacked the deck to make it so. Your conclusion depends upon your initial contention that our psyche is comprised in such a manner as you suggest(head/ego/heart). And while I believe that there is much truth in what you write, that formulation suffers because it conflates ego with prudence. And it's prudence that I think is required when faced with as substantial a change to our societal morality as euthanasia will turn out to be in the not too distant future (imho). Think of the argument from this perspective. Doctor assisted suicide and euthanasia are ontologically an act by which one person deliberately ends the life of another person. Strip away all extraneous elements; the intention, means, end, or morality, and thi