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Showing posts from March, 2016

12 Sayings of Mother Angelica that Made Me Laugh Out Loud

12 Sayings of Mother Angelica that Made Me Laugh Out Loud | TOM PERNA

Batman v Superman Takes on God

The movie takes the concept of Superman as Jesus to its next logical step, with Lex Luthor as the main voice of the anti-theists Batman v Superman Takes on God - Top Stories - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

Gender Ideology is Child Abuse – American College of Pediatricians

The American College of Pediatricians has released an in-depth report stating that the move to indoctrinate children with the idea that they can pick their gender amounts to child abuse. They are urging legislators and educators to reject all policies that would condition children to accept chemical and surgical distortions allowing people to impersonate the opposite sex. Gender Ideology is Child Abuse – American College of Pediatricians — Fr. John Peck

Mercy-Colored Glasses: Praying to See as God Sees

Mercy-Colored Glasses: Praying to See as God Sees - Top Stories - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

Love is Easy Until It’s Tested

Love is Easy Until It’s Tested |Blogs |

Too good not to post

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my friends here on 'The Road'

The Miracles of St. Patrick—How He Really Converted Ireland to Christianity - Top Stories - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

The Miracles of St. Patrick—How He Really Converted Ireland to Christianity - Top Stories - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

Sort of here... but not really here

I've really been under the weather for the past five days battling a case of pneumonia. Whenever I pop out of bed for a few minutes I check and see if there's something worth posting here, but I'm hardly spending any time reading what's out there these past few days. Please say a prayer or send me some kind thoughts and good intentions for my recovery if you get a chance. They will be much appreciated. St. Paul the Hermit Parish - Sheenboro QC Also, our little Church in Sheenboro (St. Paul the Hermit Parish) was attacked and vandalized on Sunday night. Windows were smashed and attempts made to start a fire in both the Church building and the parish hall (which stands separate from the Church). Thankfully, since the available material used for fuel was wet, and due to the collective efforts of all the Sheener's guardian angels the fires failed to take.  Some of the carnage that was discovered when folks arrived to prepare for a funeral Monday morning Most

Sage advice from Mother Teresa

Spotlight on Sexual Abuse: Why the Church Gets Disproportionate Attention:

 'Disproportionate'? Really? I can't say that I agree with my confrère on this one. I  think the Church gets more attention regarding the sex abuse scandals because in the Church, you get two scandals for the price of one! There's the horror of the actual abuse and, until very recently, there's the additional offense of the cover-up by Church officials. As sad as it is, I think we're only getting our just desserts when we stand in shame in the wake of these scandals, given that the cover-up is oft times more damaging to believers than the original crime in their eyes.  After all, people understand that there are perverts and predators in every walk of life. The fact that some are priests is at least comprehensible by the faithful. But if it's true that only the best and brightest among the clergy get to be promoted to the rank of Bishop or Archbishop, then their culpability in these sordid affairs brings another level of evil unto the Church. Spotlight

20 Memorable One-Liners From Mother Angelica

It's hard not to smile at the wisdom that can be found in a statement such as:  "Unless you are willing to do the ridiculous, God will not do the miraculous." Click on the link below and check out the rest of this compiled list of spiritual nuggets. 20 Memorable One-Liners From Mother Angelica - Books - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

A Priest Confesses What It’s Like to Hear People’s Sins - Religion - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

An interview with Msgr. Charles Pope about the Sacrament of Reconciliation A Priest Confesses What It’s Like to Hear People’s Sins - Religion - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

Don't forget to put your clocks ahead one hour this weekend!!

“Unconscionable” That World Is Silent in Face of Christian “Genocide,” Archbishop Laments - World - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

“Unconscionable” That World Is Silent in Face of Christian “Genocide,” Archbishop Laments - World - – Worldwide Catholic Network Sharing Faith Resources for those seeking Truth –

Prominent conservative Catholics have a message: Stop Trump – CRUX

George Weigel Prominent conservative Catholics have a message: Stop Trump – CRUX

If you've ever offered a comment that never appeared on this blog, it may be because you violated one or more of these Commandments of Logic

Mitt Romney's remarks on the state of the 2016 presidential race — Medium

My remarks on the state of the 2016 presidential race — Medium

Vulnerable: The Euthanasia Deception - a YouTube Video on the Belgium experience.

Catholic hospital, the biggest palliative care centre in Ottawa, says it won’t offer doctor-assisted death | National Post

When did 'doctor-assisted death' become a constitutional right? Yes, the SCC has said that it is legal, but that doesn't make it a 'right' which MUST be provided when demanded. Just because something is judged to be legal doesn't mean that everyone is entitled to get it whenever they choose. Nor does it mean that every institution needs to offer a service just because it is legal. Organizations like 'Dying with Dignity Canada' are conflating the legalization of euthanasia with a right to force institutions and medical professionals to offer it everywhere.  “We believe that all publicly funded institutions, including Catholic hospitals, hospices and health authorities need to respect Canadians’ charter rights for assisted death if the person meets the eligibility criteria,” said Shanaaz Gokool, chief executive officer of Dying With Dignity Canada. “We see this to be one of the most critical issues around access. And for some people, it may be where t

+Cardinal Tom Collins (Toronto) offers this short 8 minute video explaining why assisted suicide is a bad idea.