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Huge drop in Zimbabwe HIV rate fuelled by rise in abstinence, fidelity: UNAIDS-funded study |

Huge drop in Zimbabwe HIV rate fuelled by rise in abstinence, fidelity: UNAIDS-funded study |


  1. According to the study the main factor was fewer extramarital partners caused by people watching so many people die of HIV/AIDS. People were scared into only marital sex. It also mentions that 60% of people having extra marital affairs used a condom. Maybe the Church could encourage more people not to wear a condom while having extra marital (heterosexual) affairs, therefore more would die and more people would be scared into not having extra marital affairs.

    I'm all for promoting chastity and commitment to marriage vows, but not at the expense of someone's life, especially the innocent woman who doesn't know her husband is having affairs.

  2. The message got across loud & clear if your going to have sex be responsible if not you can get very ill (spread & infect others) & even die.

    I do not believe all people stop having sex. They learned to be careful (to be safe) & it does pay to be smart.

    I also believe in chastity & commitment to marriage vows.

    I also believe there is nothing wrong when two people love each other & are in a committed relationship with each other & show that passion by pleasing each other by making love. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

    It's natural, beautiful, healthy & awesome!



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