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Guilty Until Proven Innocent? | Daily News |

I absolutely agree that this is a major concern for priests. It is another example of our not being properly dealt with or respected by our Bishops! If they would actually have followed their own procedures instead of trying to cover up for actual predators, this would most likely not be an issue today. Alas they have historically been more concerned with protecting their own reputations and that of their diocese that they were about either the victims or their good priests.

It has effected how we minister. I will never allow myself to be in a situation when I am alone with any children, even for an instant. I insist on the children being brought to the church for confessions so that I can use the confessional rather than using a room at the school as a means of protecting myself from false allegations. Parishes everywhere have dropped their youth and child ministries because we cannot take the chance. I used to raise funds every year from friends so that I could take a busload of kids to an Ottawa Senators game. I stopped doing that five years ago as it was becoming too difficult to find chaperones to come with us.

It's a sad, sad situation... but it's not the faithful priests who are at fault. It's now squarely on the shoulders of our Bishops. This more than anything is what chill's me to the bone given their terrible record to date.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent? | Daily News |


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