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The 'Hard Road' of Catholics

Beautiful inside & out!
Dianne Wood, a friend of this blog and a frequent letter writer within the virtual and real pages of the National Post remarked the other day that Catholics are called to walk a 'hard road' in these times. She offered this in defense of an argument that such a journey can be successfully accomplished with faith, discipline and the grace of God. As always, she is so RIGHT ON!

I wanted to let her know of my appreciation for her witness that I posted the comment below in the relevant thread on the Holy Post. I post it again here to ensure that she (and others who do the same) might find it to be of encouragement in this difficult times for those who argue in defense of the Catholic faith and Church.


Dianne: You are so right! It is a road made hard by the sinfulness of clergy who both enabled and committed these heinous crimes. Yet we continue to believe in the truth the Church contains, soiled but not stained by human sin and continue to stay true to our course no matter how hard the journey becomes. Christ himself gives us the model to follow in his passion, death and subsequent resurrection. He continued through the entire paschal mystery not of his own desire, but in obedience to his Father and in reparation for our sins. If we are to find ourselves heaped under from the abuse and taunts of others, we know that we are securely walking in his footsteps. It is the place we are called to be if we too want to journey through death to eternal life. Yes?

Fr. Tim


  1. Talk about your "hard road" for Catholics!

    Fr. Tim,
    Did you see what Fr. Mirosław Olszewski from St. Mary's Parish in Wilno is doing.

    This is really upsetting!

    Somebody needs to talk to Fr. Mirosław Olszewski soon? This is going to hurt the victims & their loved ones in the Diocese of Pembroke.
    Even victims of Monsignor Borne.

    It's going to even HURT you Fr. Tim!

    I wonder what other priest are thinking like him in the Pembroke Diocese.

    Here's the phone number at the rectory at St. Mary's Parish in Wilno: 613-756-2344 or his address:

    St. Mary’s Parish
    17325 Highway 60
    Wilno, Ontario
    K0J 2N0 - Canada.

    When I think things are tough in our Pembroke Diocese & out of the blue I read this. This is a disaster for all!



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