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Newman’s Assent of Faith | First Things

Cardinal John Henry Newman
"Newman countered the Enlightenment’s understanding of reason, a reduced notion of reason, which sets itself as the judge of all truth and demands scientific evidence, arguing that faith in God is possible without formal evidence. In fact, as Newman points out, many truths are received implicitly. Often people cannot explain what they know to be true and yet this does not diminish the truth of their claims. "

Read more by clicking on the link below.

Newman’s Assent of Faith | First Things


  1. "Often people cannot explain what they know to be true and yet this does not diminish the truth of their claims."

    Surely it does, otherwise why do we not accept the truths claims of Islam, of Mormonism, of Hinduism, etc. Was Newman a relativist in that he thought that all truth claims have equal validity or just didn't think through his logic sufficiently?


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