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American political ad opposing abortion - Thank God we live in Canada


  1. You mean where the politically correct attitude means that ads (such as Abortion is legal through all 9 months of pregnancy. Perhaps we have gone too far?) are taken down. Sure, the land of the free and silent on abortion. I would welcome some American freedom up here.

  2. Julie,

    I don't disagree. I'm simply remarking on the powerful nature of the ad. It hammers home its point in a brutally clear method. It was the first thing I saw this Sunday morning - tough to take before the first coffee of the day!

    Do you think that such an ad would ever air in Canada?

    Fr. Tim

  3. Fr. Tim
    the ad would never see the light of day in a country where we gave Morgentaler the Order of Canada. For others who murder we demand life without parole. God help us for our lack of principles.

  4. Good point Mary. Our country is too far left to allow this.
    This ad is disturbing but effective. This would never make it on the air with our leftist media but I do recall a recent add campaign on tv for workplace safety that was far more graphic and disturbing that did air here, so graphic and disturbing content wouldn't be the reason it would be disallowed. Political correctness would be its downfall.
    It raises an interesting thought though, could you imagine the media outcry, the facebook protest groups, the petitions and the angry mobs in the streets if government funded an institution that was killing 4000 bunnies in a blender every day rather than babies in the womb.


  5. Another peculiar thing about PP is that they are often held up as the protectors of women.
    This when they've been recently caught time and time again by undercover investigation to be protecting rapists, pimps and their underage sex slaves from prosecution. Even coaching them how to get around the laws. Go to and see the lid get blown off this nefarious organization.


  6. Ah and her is a link to an ad that was played in canada far more shocking than the bunny in the blender,

    Bye the way I think these are great ads as well. They really drive home the point and the graphic nature of the ad fits the seriousness of the problems they address.


  7. Paul: I think my problem with these ads has to do with kids. I worked with kids who had been abused & broken and in every case I found a preoccupation with such violent images. I appreciate the the violence is implied, but I still think that somehow they serve more to harm than help the soul of innocents. If only adults were to watch, assess and debate the ad on the merits of its message, I would have no compunction with spreading these ads.

    Maybe what I'm trying to say is that these ads are POWERFUL... perhaps too much so for such an open forum as YouTube.

    Just my opinion.

    Fr. Tim

  8. Hi Fr. Tim

    You make a good point and no doubt you have more expertise and experience dealing with children that could be affected by such images. I guess I've seen so much shocking stuff fed to children in video games, the internet, movies and music in recent years that I underestimate the impact such an ad could have on them.
    That said there is one fact that has often made me wonder about the moral implications regarding what children should and shouldn't see when it comes to grave moral issues. Its the fact that the children at Fatima were given visions of hell from Our Lady. What could be more disturbing than that? In the history of Marian apparitions, we've seen time and time again where heaven doesn't seem to shield young eyes from some truly disturbing imagery when pointing out evil nor does it seem concerned with teaching some rather heavy topics to children. Are we doing God's will when we shield the young from seeing the consequences of evil? Shouldn't every child that leaves a Catholic school have full knowledge of abortion and its ugly reality before they end learning about it first hand when they get talked into having one themselves in high school or college? Tough call.



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