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Pope Benedict: No scientific theory can discount God | Holy Post | National Post

Pope Benedict: No scientific theory can discount God | Holy Post | National Post


  1. Larry Green08 January, 2011

    The popes reaction to scientific discovery always seems to me to be filled with fear. Perhaps a fear that to much science will weaken his own faith or everyone else’s or whatever. Does he ever pause to think that it really takes much more faith to believe in science than it takes to believe in God ? There are those who refuse to believe in scientific theory for the same reason as those who refuse to believe in the existence of God. There is no ‘ proof ‘.
    There is no such thing as scientific proof of anything. Just when we think we have it nailed down , along comes quantum physics to reveal a new world hidden within the one we had all figured out. We cant say much about it because it departs totally from classical physics and particles at the sub-atomic behave differently when they are being observed than when they are not, therefore ,we have no means or terms to measure any observation. However , the quantum realm has revealed some perplexing conclusions about reality , many of which could shake or collapse a flimsy grounded faith in God.
    -1.There is ‘ proof ‘ in the quantum world that God does not exist . 2.There is ‘ proof ‘ in the quantum world that God does exist . 3.There is ‘ proof ‘ in the quantum world that God probably does not exist but at the same time He probably does.- It all depends on which proof you choose to see at any given time .The point is , the pope really needs to get over the “ Big Bang .”


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