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Want young people at church? Stop your Sunday shopping.

Philokalia Republic: Want young people at church? Stop your Sunday shopping.


  1. avoiding sunday shopping could very easily start with those of us who are retired...we have no reason for not keeping holy the Sabbath...we have 6 other days to do household chores and shopping. I live in a city where there is a very large retired population so we can make a difference.

  2. Many parents are not that serious about practicing their Catholic Faith.

    The young are not embracing the Catholic Church like they use too. They do not buy into what they call the brainwashing the older people went through & many see their parents are so heavily indoctrinated that nothing they say or do will change their minds in how the young see things in this day & age. So the young are breaking that cycle of following the Catholic Church way. They are known as non-practicing Catholics.

    The young do not do the examination of conscience like we do. Is this a sin or not? They see their mistakes & failures as a part of human nature & growing up. The Sacrament of Reconciliation says it all about how they think about SIN. They just do not go to confession.

    The young may believe in God but they do not worship God in the same way their parents or grandparents did or you or I still do.

    Another observation would be seeing their parents going to church only because it is a habit, something to do, for show for whatever reason or Mom & Dad just want to make sure they get a nice Catholic funeral when their time is up.

    Many young want a Catholic wedding because it is to please their family & the pictures make a beautiful wedding album.
    Sure many do have their children Baptize, Confession, Communion and so forth yet again it is only because of tradition & when the Sacrament celebration is over they are super-glad that it is over. Going through all that preparation before the Sacrament. It is only time you may hear some parents say what a sacrifice that it was.

    Another point, numerous Catholics do not dare question the Roman Catholic Church's dogmas, teachings, etc..while the young say they MUST question why the Church does what it does. Many young see no sin in using artificial birth control or the morning after pill.

    What the young adults are finding out is a mix bag of superstitions, the Church is living in the past, the Church's world-wide covering up crimes, females with limited rights, the Church likes to use mind control tactics like guilt trips, the young see a powerful, rich, hungry money Church with old stubborn men as leaders with a disturbing attitude that cries out loud...our way is the only way.

    Therefore, the young are busy doing their thing & they follow their own conscience. The freedom of choice is very important to them.

    I could on & on why you do not see many young people in the Church. So to stop shopping on Sunday that will not matter because today's parents CANNOT influence their children like they did in the past. It is similar to when the Catholic Church use to have such a great influence on their flock ages ago but those days are getting less everyday & it will get worst.

    The young have better things to do with their Sundays & sadly going to church is not one of them.

  3. Sir Tim Moyle, Mary G and Catholic friends :
    Want your church to reflect Christ ? Stop imposing Sunday Shopping Bans for starters . You're on the right track with reference to the 6 other days vs the Sabbath...its just that I suspect, you're disoriented as to which day is the Sabbath and could do well with some enlightenment in that area. Push come to shove, live and let live . By their fruits ye shall know them :-)

  4. Thursday, January 27, 2011

    Many parents are not that serious about practicing their Catholic Faith.

    The young are not embracing the Catholic Church like they use too. They do not buy into what they call the brainwashing the older people went through & many see their parents are so heavily indoctrinated that nothing they say or do will change their minds in how the young see things in this day & age. So the young are breaking that cycle of following the Catholic Church way. They are known as non-practicing Catholics.

    The young do not do the examination of conscience like we do. Is this a sin or not? They see their mistakes & failures as a part of human nature & growing up. The Sacrament of Reconciliation says it all about how they think about SIN. They just do not go to confession.

    The young may believe in God but they do not worship God in the same way their parents or grandparents did or you or I still do.

    Another observation would be seeing their parents going to church only because it is a habit, something to do, for show for whatever reason or Mom & Dad just want to make sure they get a nice Catholic funeral when their time is up.

    Many young want a Catholic wedding because it is to please their family & the pictures make a beautiful wedding album.
    Sure many do have their children Baptize, Confession, Communion and so forth yet again it is only because of tradition & when the Sacrament celebration is over they are super-glad that it is over. Going through all that preparation before the Sacrament. It is only time you may hear some parents say what a sacrifice that it was.

    Another point, numerous Catholics do not dare question the Roman Catholic Church's dogmas, teachings, etc..while the young say they MUST question why the Church does what it does. Many young see no sin in using artificial birth control or the morning after pill.

    What the young adults are finding out is a mix bag of superstitions, the Church is living in the past, the Church's world-wide covering up crimes, females with limited rights, the Church likes to use mind control tactics like guilt trips, the young see a powerful, rich, hungry money Church with old stubborn men as leaders with a disturbing attitude that cries out loud...our way is the only way.

    Therefore, the young are busy doing their thing & they follow their own conscience. The freedom of choice is very important to them.

    I could on & on why you do not see many young people in the Church. So to stop shopping on Sunday that will not matter because today's parents CANNOT influence their children like they did in the past. It is similar to when the Catholic Church use to have such a great influence on their flock ages ago but those days are getting less everyday & it will get worst.

    The young have better things to do with their Sundays & sadly going to church is not one of them.

  5. Ryan, the sabbath for Catholics is Sunday. Your reference to Father Tim as Sir is disrespectful.
    Anonymous, In 2011 most of the people , of an denomination, do so out of conviction despite the umpteen reasons we have been given to forsake it. I think you are right that some parents baptize their children etc not always for the right reason. I think, for some, it is like having a child vaccinated. I also think that , if parents guided their children to a RIGHTLY formed conscience they would be at Church because they would know about our loving God and the wonderful gifts He gave us in the sacraments...and they do not have better things to do on a Sunday

  6. Mary, I think Ryan may have been trying to point out that Sunday is not the only sabbath, and that if you want to try and enforce any kind of Sunday shopping ban, you're going to step on the religious toes of those who hold other days as their sabbaths. Shabboths. Sabats. Whatever.

    And the "Sir" was not disrespectful. It was, rather, a VERY polite greeting from someone of a different culture than yours.

    But on the subject of why young folk don't go to church, someone once said (and no, I don't remember who it was), "If you want your children to attend church, you must take them, not send them." But remember the adage about leading a horse to water -- if he ain't thirty, he won't drink.


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