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We Are all Pro-Choice - As For Me, I Choose Life

Freedom Through Truth: We Are all Pro-Choice - As For Me, I Choose Life


  1. January 22 this year marks the 38th anniversary of the Roe V. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

    Women and men of the past who stood up for a woman's right to control her reproductive destiny, today we remember you. We thank you for your work that to date has helped countless women, men, and children. We remember, too, those women who lived before this day 38 years ago. We remember the women who died, the women who almost died, the women who to this day carry the scars, physical and emotional, that are what happens when abortion is not safe and legal. And on this particular day, we remember those all-too-recent victims - those infants and women who were cruelly butchered and maimed - because we still haven't gone far enough. We promise you, victims and heroes past and present, that we will continue to fight. We will NOT go back to the days when butchers were woman's ONLY option in seeking an abortion. We will NOT go back to the days when women had too many children, too fast. We will NOT go back to the days when a woman was worth less than the contents of her uterus. We WILL fight. We WILL persevere. We will bring hope and opportunity to women around our country and around the globe. We will ensure that women can control their lives and their destinies. And we will be victorious, because you gave us proof that it can be done.

  2. A woman can proudly walk around with her pregnant belly, because she CHOSE to be pregnant. Not because someone else said she had to. She can be young, old, even a teen!

    No man has the right to stop her from being pregnant, and no man has the right to force her to have an abortion.

    She has a choice, and by God, nobody has to like it or agree with it.

    It is a wonderful day for women!

    You can whine, piss and moan til the cows come home because YOU don't want women to have a choice. Too bad. I happen to rejoice with women that choose to continue their pregnancies. I celebrate with women that find adoptive families for their child. I stand by those that decide to end their pregnancy.

    Have you noticed a common word? Their. Yes, it is their pregnancy and not mine. Not yours.

    I celebrate because at least in this country, women are not forced to abort.

    I celebrate because a woman has a choice.

  3. Larry Green22 January, 2011

    "We of the pro-life belief hold that an infant in the womb is a person from conception, and deserves to have all rights that other persons have. One pundit, who is a Catholic, though one must question his sincerity on this particular point, proclaimed a couple of times on his show that a child in the womb is a "potential human being". A baby in the womb is as much a potential human being as a 2 year old is a potential teenager."
    To lump ‘ baby, 2 year old , teenager and fetus as what defines a human being simply dismisses reality.
    This is the grand daddy premise. All others presuppose the truth of this one. It appears to me to be the weakest of any in this argument. Without a common definition of an actual human being is, we will inevitably think of the other side as anti this or pro that. The “potentially human” problem is legitimate and needs to be acknowledged as such before any rational basis can be discerned definitively in either direction. It seems to me that intuitive knowledge ( rightly or wrongly - subject to prejudice-) is always the foundation and a powerful source when a sensible rational principle is lacking for ‘pro’ or ‘anti’. e.g. I think ( though I don’t know) that at the very least at some stage the fetus IS ‘Potentially human’ and yet I very strongly ’feel’ that abortionat any stage is never different from murder.

  4. Larry Green22 January, 2011

    "We of the pro-life belief hold that an infant in the womb is a person from conception, and deserves to have all rights that other persons have. One pundit, who is a Catholic, though one must question his sincerity on this particular point, proclaimed a couple of times on his show that a child in the womb is a "potential human being". A baby in the womb is as much a potential human being as a 2 year old is a potential teenager."
    To lump ‘ baby, 2 year old , teenager and fetus as what defines a human being simply dismisses reality.
    This is the grand daddy premise. All others presuppose the truth of this one. It appears to me to be the weakest of any in this argument. Without a common definition of an actual human being is we will inevitably think of the other side as anti this or pro that. The “potentially human” problem is legitimate and needs to be acknowledged as such before any rational basis can be discerned definitively in either direction. It seems to me that intuitive knowledge ( rightly or wrongly - subject to prejudice-) is always the foundation and a powerful source when a sensible rational principle is lacking for ‘pro’ or ‘anti’. e.g. I think ( though I don’t know) that at the very least at some stage the fetus IS ‘Potentially human’ and yet I very strongly ’feel’ that abortion is never different from murder.

  5. Great blog! It exposes the prochoice propaganda for what it is..


  6. There's an article in the Chatelaine magazine in the issue October 2010, called Change Of Habit. They do really wear habits. These nuns are from Toronto. They are called: "The Sisters of Life".

    They do awesome work. They help females who find themselves pregnant.They listen to them without being judgmental.

    Sister Monica said:" We never[push a pregnant woman]in any direction or do anything that would inhibit her freedom. We're trying to help her see the good. Many times she wants to give life to this child, but obstacles and fears exist. No matter how much we have a desire for her not to go through with this abortion, she needs to know we love her unconditionally. Even though we don't love abortion."

    The Sisters let the women know there are other options for them. They tell them they will be there for them before and after for them.

    The article states: As obedient Catholics, the Sisters are bound to believe that abortion should be illegal across the board, for rape victims as well as women whose lives might be threatened in childbirth. And they're also bound to cling to that most fossilized and baffling of Catholic proscriptions, the rejection of artificial birth control.

    In my opinion, there is no doubt these sisters do good work but it's still scary to read that they believe abortion should be illegal (want the Government to help make it illegal) even to the point of letting the woman died just to save the unborn.

    Just for that reason it's a matter of importance not to let the Catholic Church's belief's on the subject of abortion of theirs come into law in our land.

    Now I know why the Harper Government will not revisit the abortion issue.

    The Catholic Church is so anti-life for the living pregnant woman.

    That is why with a heavy heart I believe abortion needs to remain legal and a valid option for females who wants it. I'm not the only Christian that believes this. We are a strong ever growing silent majority.

    Many who strongly believe it is a woman's choice even belong to a pro-life group and to other anti-abortion groups that even includes nuns and priests.

    That is the reality of this disturbing abortion issue.

  7. Anonymous
    In the US alone there are over 2000 abortions each day. If you hesitantly accept abortion due only to the fact that a woman whose life is threatened can have one, we could go a long way in saving babies if it was only legal in those circumstances. You could even add rape to that exeption and you would still end the overwhelming majority of abortions. You would probably save 98% of the children aborted. Right now we have absolutely no restrictions on abortion. Would you be in favor of restrictions at the very least.?


  8. Paul at least you are opened to exceptions.

    That is not the Catholic Church's way. They want abortion illegal no matter what.

    That is my concern about the Catholic Church.

    That mentality of the Catholic Church has to be stopped and it will, period.

  9. Anonymous

    Don't get me wrong. I'm really not condoning those exceptions, but I'd welcome them none the less to limit the number of casualties as would many that profess to be pro choice. I would think that people that reluctantly allow it for the sake of extreme circumstances would also be open to limiting the killing. Are you open to laws limiting the procedure to Life & death or rape cases? If not, why not? As a professed Christian, how does one reconcile the procedure in light of scripture?


  10. I am sure the Catholic church and everybody else who is pro life would be overjoyed to hear laws were going to be enacted to limit 98% of abortions even if it was not 100% of what pro life people would wish. Cutting the 100,000 abortions per year in Canada down to practically none would be fantastic. The other rare cases could still be debated.

    As a non Catholic I have no problem in supporting the pro life association here even if it's members come from different religious backgrounds. We are there to oppose this terrible genocide and try to save the lives of the unborn. The pro life issue should not be looked at through the lens of a particular church or religious affiliation. It is a moral issue which is bigger than any one religious group.

  11. I'm in full agreement with those first two comments, above (I just wish I knew who is was that made them). The key is CHOICE -- whatever the choice -- made by each individual for herself.

    "It exposes the prochoice propaganda for what it is."

    ??? I don't understand, Paul. What "propaganda" can there be in choice?

  12. Janus

    Its mentioned in the article. You should read it.



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