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Hate messages spray-painted on two CA catholic churches | NOM Blog

Hate messages spray-painted on two CA catholic churches | NOM Blog


  1. This is getting to be common place. Vandalized nativity scenes, arson, decapitated statues and hateful messages spray painted on the walls. We had our church vandalized with hateful graffiti a few years ago and we installed video surveillance. It actually averted an arson attempt a few years later. We've also had windows smashed. There seems to be a healthy population of hateful extremists out there. With the vitriol posted on the web these days its not surprising. Its only going to get worse. I fear for our safety in the years ahead.


  2. Larry Green18 January, 2011

    Getting to be common place you say ?
    What happens to the soul of a decapitated statue ?
    There seems to be a healthy population of hateful extremists out there.
    "With the vitriol posted on the web these days its not surprising. Its only going to get worse." It can't.
    "I fear for our safety in the years ahead." Whatever makes you think it is in the y e a r s ahead that you should be so scared of?

  3. Hi Larry

    -Yes it is getting common. Google a bit and you'll see.
    -Statues don't have souls Larry so I'm not sure what you're trying to say? The people that smash them however do have souls and I'm not sure what happens to theirs harbouring such hatred for Christ.
    -I think it can get worst, priests, nuns and the faithful have been shot during mass by unstable individuals in the past in other countries.
    -You are correct Larry, a unstable violent individual could lash out now. In fact we've seen it happen in school shootings in the states. I just think with time, the anti-catholic, anti-christian fud being spread about will promote more hatred and being Christian could paint a big target on your back. God willing I hope I'm wrong. Its one of the reasons I'd never disclose my name on a forum like this. I'd prefer to keep my family and myself safe from harm for expressing views that run contrary to those of the world.


  4. Ya think it's the same Gay commandos that burned down Sarah Palin's Church in Wasilla a couple years ago? I don't think it was Gays. More likely young, disaffected youth, mad at being coerced into participation in the Church by their elders.

    Secularists, atheists and Gays don't do this kind of stuff. They would rather humiliate Christians in print, where their ignorance makes them vulnerable and weak.


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