White woman sues sperm bank after giving birth to black baby in ‘racially intolerant’ Ohio town | National Post
People often accuse the Church of being insensitive in opposing procedures such as IVF or Artificial Insemination. But it's exactly because of situations such as this one that leads her to conclude that such procedures can hardly be considered moral when it is most likely this child who will have to deal with the consequences of the sperm bank's error. And no matter how much someone wants to have a child, it's clearly immoral for the innocent child to have to deal with the consequences of an act that they had absolutely no part in its consummation (no pun intended).
White woman sues sperm bank after giving birth to black baby in ‘racially intolerant’ Ohio town | National Post
White woman sues sperm bank after giving birth to black baby in ‘racially intolerant’ Ohio town | National Post
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