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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Pope and the Vatican’s top power broker

For the first time in my life, I find myself in substantial agreement with Robert Mickens, who now covers Vatican affairs for La Croix. In his most recent column there, Mickens examines the enormous and enduring influence of Cardinal Angelo Sodano. It’s an eye-opener.  The Pope and the Vatican’s top power broker | Catholic Culture :

A video of perspective on the material world. Awesome!

How to play our proper role in the drama that is our life - Fr. Tim Moyle

+Bishop Robert Barron is quoted in a recent book co-authored by John Allen entitled  To Light A Fire On Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age  as offering three principles for Catholics to keep their lives in harmony with God’s stage directions in lieu of being mired in the unwanted drama that afflicts our peace when we choose our own preferred method of acting. Essentially they are: a) Find the center of your life as determine what’s occupying that space. b) Know yourself for who you are: a sinner. c) Repeat often: It’s not about me.   Finding the center of your life  means to do exactly and simply that: locate those value, needs, and wants that are primordial to your path in life. Then make the firm decision to install Christ in that place of honor and power. For example, if what really drives you or floats your boat are things like friends, reputation, material comforts, power, pleasure, or prestige, you can be 100% certain that rancor, stress, a...

Faith and Culture: An essay by Joseph Pearce

Faith and culture are inextricably connected because a culture is always an expression of the faith which informs it. If a culture is animated by a belief in the triune splendour of the good, the true, and the beautiful, it will shine forth goodness, truth, and beauty. Faith and Culture - The Imaginative Conservative :

Member of Pope's anti-abuse panel insists, 'The Church is not failing'

Teresa Kettelkamp, a former staffer for the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and now a full member, says of the anti-abuse fight, “The Church is not failing on this issue, the Church is aggressively addressing it … People who want things to change faster are not realistic about how things change.” Member of Pope's anti-abuse panel insists, 'The Church is not failing' :

Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest heart, brain: ex-technician - Washington Times

In an undercover video released Wednesday, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group's practices. Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest heart, brain: ex-technician - Washington Times :

Non - voluntary euthanasia/organ harvesting - Coming soon to a hospital near you

It is legal in the Netherlands for doctors and psychiatrists to lethally inject the sick, disabled, elderly, and mentally ill who ask to die. It is not legal for them to kill patients who have not repeatedly asked to die. But that happens anyway, and not rarely. Various studies come up with different numbers, but it seems safe to say that hundreds of patients– 431 in 2015 –are killed each year non-voluntarily, which in Dutch euthanasia-speak is called ”termination without request or consent.” E uthanasia Prevention Coalition Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Non - voluntary euthanasia/organ harvesting - Coming soon to the Netherlands.

The Five Precepts of the Church

Abortion: Is it moral?

Preparing children for Lent

Catholic Church & China: Bishop Praises Communist State

"Despite the media and blogosphere attention he attracts, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, a 75-year-old Argentine who is chancellor of various pontifical academies, is a small-bore bit player in the current drama of what friends and critics alike regard as an increasingly dysfunctional Vatican. Yet when someone of even his relative insignificance announces that “right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese,” that dysfunction comes into sharp relief — and a correction of the record is imperative…" Catholic Church & China: Bishop Praises Communist State | National Review