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Showing posts from November, 2017

What’s Changed Since Humanae Vitae? by George Weigel from the First Things

A brilliant expose on what's actually hiding behind the fears of those who reject accepting Muslim immigrants and refugees into our country. The birthrate in all of Europe has dropped below replacement rate for almost a complete lifespan of the population. Thanks to the ubiquitous contraceptive regime that's been practiced for over 50 years, nations have no choice but to open our borders to keep the population growing. This is the one undeniable fact that governments must ensure lest their social welfare and pension Ponzi schemes come crashing down upon their heads. Without an expanding tax base, no western government will be able to meet even its current commitments to its citizenry for more than a few years. The only two ways of growing a nation's population are for the birthrate to be above 2.1, or it takes in more and more new workers from other countries. Muslims make up almost 30% of the world's citizens today. It is inevitable that more and more will be counted a...

Hackers only needed a phone number to track this MP's cellphone - Politics - CBC News

This is a story that involves all of us and it's scary for two reasons. Because hackers can track, receive, and record our calls without our knowing... and so can our government.  It's up to us to make ourselves aware and protect our right to private conversations since clearly the telephone companies we all deal with are unwilling to protect us as they can and should, especially in light of how expensive those calls and texts are in the first place. The average consumer hands over more than of our income to facilitate our various mode of communications to expect and demand that Bell, Roger's and their Canadian competitors keep them secure and private. We should demand that they spend some of their substantial profits in purchasing the necessary technology and expertise to ensure that those communications are kept safe for ALL unwanted prying eyes and ears. Hackers only needed a phone number to track this MP's cellphone - Politics - CBC News

What the Wilfrid Laurier professors got wrong about Bill C-16 and gender identity discrimination

Please take the time to check out this recording. What the professors are doing to this student is absolutely unconscionable imho.  I think it sounds like something that jumped from the pages of 'Animal Farm'.  Listen for yourself and come to your own conclusion.  What the Wilfrid Laurier professors got wrong about Bill C-16 and gender identity discrimination | National Post

Reflections of a New Priest

More than anything, I have found that sins do not make us who we are. The priest does not see our deepest selves when he hears our confession; he sees our deepest selves when he gives us absolution. “We are not the sum of our faults,” St. John Paul II says, “we are the sum of the Father’s love for us.” So true!  Reflections of a New Priest – Christian Renaissance Movement