Caring for the widow, orphan, immigrants, and strangers. This is the Church's primal obligation and her claim to be obeying Christ's teachings. To use a more modern paradigm, it's the absolute minimum one must do to claim any spiritual benefits when it comes to calling oneself a Christian come the time we all come under Christ's eyes for judgment. Yet people opposing the initiative of these two parishes and still think of themselves as being in good standing, exemplars perhaps of what God expects of his redeemed. Personally, I wish them luck come that day, for it's going to tough making an argument in that holds up and reconciles the differing dictates of God and Ceasar convincingly enough as the teaching in Matthew 25 to welcome the stranger into our community and homes imho. Besides, how could one think themselves American and hold that the lesser dictates of a state supersede such a foundational Divine obligation as 'love thy neighbor' and 'love othe...