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Showing posts from 2017

Happy New Year to all who travel 'Where the Rubber Hits the Road'.

Even Amazon Alexa Knows Who Founded the True Church

As much as I appreciate this short 60-second video, there's another I watched on YouTube where the answer to the question "Who was the Lord Jesus Christ?" was 'A fictional character'. Click on the link below for the first video attached to this story and then watch the 2nd video below it. Even Amazon Alexa Knows Who Founded the True Church – EpicPew

San Francisco's two Jesuit parishes declared immigrant sanctuaries | National Catholic Reporter

Caring for the widow, orphan, immigrants, and strangers. This is the Church's primal obligation and her claim to be obeying Christ's teachings. To use a more modern paradigm, it's the absolute minimum one must do to claim any spiritual benefits when it comes to calling oneself a Christian come the time we all come under Christ's eyes for judgment.  Yet people opposing the initiative of these two parishes and still think of themselves as being in good standing, exemplars perhaps of what God expects of his redeemed. Personally, I wish them luck come that day, for it's going to tough making an argument in that holds up and reconciles the differing dictates of God and Ceasar convincingly enough as the teaching in Matthew 25 to welcome the stranger into our community and homes imho. Besides, how could one think themselves American and hold that the lesser dictates of a state supersede such a foundational Divine obligation as 'love thy neighbor' and 'love othe...

Merry Christmas to all who visit 'Where the Rubber Hits the Road'

Cardinal Maradiaga responds to allegations of corruption

Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez Maradiaga has rejected accusations of financial mismanagement and offered an explanation for allegations that he has received an excessive salary for a largely ceremonial role at the Catholic University of Honduras. In an email interview with CNA, Cardinal Maradiaga explained that “a little more than one year ago, we had to fire a manager of the university because he was stealing,” and “shortly after, an anonymous defamatory paper was spread, filled with a series of calumnies of the kind published this week.” Click on the link below to read the entire article:  Cardinal Maradiaga responds to allegations of corruption :

In anticipation of seeing the latest installment of the Star Wars saga, I offer the following from Weird Al Yankovic

A Christmas classic is given a unique twist from the Detroit seminarians

A wonderful Christmas song to match a beautiful winter's day

Christmas on Monday means twice the Mass this year

Christmas on a Monday means eight masses in 24 hrs for me. And I only have 3 parishes. Remember to say a prayer for those priests (like my immediate neighbour who has 5) with even more churches to serve. They're going to need all the graces they can muster to survive their Christmas weekend schedule! Christmas on Monday means twice the Mass this year--Aleteia

Australian bishop urges end to clericalism

I always found it somewhat disingenuous to make a headline of a cleric condemning clericalism. Is there some roving band of priests and bishops promoting its existence that it becomes headline news when one of the clergy (in this case an Australian Bishop) points out the errors of such a pattern of ministry? This said, it's actually a pretty good article for all Catholics, lay or clergy to read. Clearly, the headline doesn't do the story justice.  Australian bishop urges end to clericalism | National Catholic Reporter obviously doesn't believe Jesus was real!

The Bethlehemian Rhapsody: The nativity told as you've never seen it before

A little secular Christmas music to whet your holiday spirits

What’s Changed Since Humanae Vitae? by George Weigel from the First Things

A brilliant expose on what's actually hiding behind the fears of those who reject accepting Muslim immigrants and refugees into our country. The birthrate in all of Europe has dropped below replacement rate for almost a complete lifespan of the population. Thanks to the ubiquitous contraceptive regime that's been practiced for over 50 years, nations have no choice but to open our borders to keep the population growing. This is the one undeniable fact that governments must ensure lest their social welfare and pension Ponzi schemes come crashing down upon their heads. Without an expanding tax base, no western government will be able to meet even its current commitments to its citizenry for more than a few years. The only two ways of growing a nation's population are for the birthrate to be above 2.1, or it takes in more and more new workers from other countries. Muslims make up almost 30% of the world's citizens today. It is inevitable that more and more will be counted a...

Hackers only needed a phone number to track this MP's cellphone - Politics - CBC News

This is a story that involves all of us and it's scary for two reasons. Because hackers can track, receive, and record our calls without our knowing... and so can our government.  It's up to us to make ourselves aware and protect our right to private conversations since clearly the telephone companies we all deal with are unwilling to protect us as they can and should, especially in light of how expensive those calls and texts are in the first place. The average consumer hands over more than of our income to facilitate our various mode of communications to expect and demand that Bell, Roger's and their Canadian competitors keep them secure and private. We should demand that they spend some of their substantial profits in purchasing the necessary technology and expertise to ensure that those communications are kept safe for ALL unwanted prying eyes and ears. Hackers only needed a phone number to track this MP's cellphone - Politics - CBC News

What the Wilfrid Laurier professors got wrong about Bill C-16 and gender identity discrimination

Please take the time to check out this recording. What the professors are doing to this student is absolutely unconscionable imho.  I think it sounds like something that jumped from the pages of 'Animal Farm'.  Listen for yourself and come to your own conclusion.  What the Wilfrid Laurier professors got wrong about Bill C-16 and gender identity discrimination | National Post

Reflections of a New Priest

More than anything, I have found that sins do not make us who we are. The priest does not see our deepest selves when he hears our confession; he sees our deepest selves when he gives us absolution. “We are not the sum of our faults,” St. John Paul II says, “we are the sum of the Father’s love for us.” So true!  Reflections of a New Priest – Christian Renaissance Movement

Paul Ryan praises Catholic charitable work, silent on immigration at Al Smith dinner

"Charity is no substitute for justice withheld."   Any article that uses this line from St. Augustine is worth reading imho. It's one of my favorite lines from one of Christianity's greatest thinkers and is very well applied by the author of this article. Paul Ryan praises Catholic charitable work, silent on immigration at Al Smith dinner

Five important lesson of faith we can learn from our canine companions

My favourite Thanksgiving TV clip!