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Showing posts from August, 2015

016 St Matthew’s Laughter and Fr Brown’s Secret Mirth – Synod on the Family – Instrumentum laboris §130 | ARISE! LET US BE GOING!

This article is taken from a blog maintained by a priest in which he mines G.K. Chesterton's 'Fr. Brown Mysteries' to shed light on the how the upcoming synod should approach the question of gay relationships. It's a fascinating read! 016 St Matthew’s Laughter and Fr Brown’s Secret Mirth – Synod on the Family – Instrumentum laboris §130 | ARISE! LET US BE GOING!

Former Vatican adviser to Dominican Republic dies of ‘sudden illness’ before child pornography trial | National Post

He may have escaped trial in this life, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes at the trial that awaits him before Christ. Jesus was pretty clear about the fate that awaited those who harmed children. Given that  Wesolowski refused to take responsibility for his acts by pleading guilty in his criminal trial it's unlikely he died reconciled with God either. Former Vatican adviser to Dominican Republic dies of ‘sudden illness’ before child pornography trial | National Post

Here comes the sequel to 'Father Elijah: An Apocalypse' by Michael O'Brien.

  Dear friends and family, My new novel,  Elijah in Jerusalem , will be published this coming month by Ignatius Press. It is the continuing story of the priest, Fr. Elijah Schäfer. A convert from Judaism, survivor of the Holocaust, he has for decades been a Carmelite friar on the mountain of the prophet Elijah. In the events of the preceding novel,  Father Elijah: An Apocalypse , the central character confronted the President of the European Union, a man rising toward global control as President of the soon to be realized World Government. The Pope recognizes in the President certain qualities that are anti-Christ, and asks Fr. Elijah to call the man to repentance, though his attempts at this prove to be unsuccessful.     In this sequel, now-Bishop Elijah, accompanied by his fellow friar Brother Enoch, enters Jerusalem just as the President arrives in the city to inaugurate a new stage of his rise to power. They hope to unmask him as the An...

45 Years Ago Today: Sudbury Tornado Kills 6 | Q92

Boy, do I remember this! I was 12 years old when the tornado ran through my home town. This CBC news story brings it all back again. The one thing I remember as being so strange was the capricious nature of the destruction. For example while most of our block was entirely untouched, the houses and businesses on each side of it were all severely damaged or destroyed. It was as if the tornado jumped over us without taking so much as a shingle yet laid waste to the properties all around us. Another example was seen in the destruction of the business section of town and the local high school, but the four churches in between them were untouched. It was mind-boggling to me... then and now.  45 Years Ago Today: Sudbury Tornado Kills 6 | Q92

BREAKING: Catholic Church Is Returning to Ad Orientem Worship!BREAKING: Catholic Church Is Returning to Ad Orientem Worship! - Roman Catholic Man

Not sure about this since many modern churches are built with a North/South orientation. How could we all face east then? Celebrate mass standing sideways? BREAKING: Catholic Church Is Returning to Ad Orientem Worship!BREAKING: Catholic Church Is Returning to Ad Orientem Worship! - Roman Catholic Man

Technical Problems

We've been experiencing technical troubles with our internet service and I have been unable to post new material. Hopefully, we will have everything resolved within a week or two once the new equipment arrives to replace what has failed. I thank you for your patience until then and look forward to seeing you soon here 'Where the Rubber Hits the Road'. Fr. Tim NOTE: My ISP has contacted me to advise that the part required to reconnect me to the net should arrive before week's end and a technician will arrive to effect the repair at that time.

NASA EPIC camera captures images of moon's dark side - Trending - CBC News

NASA EPIC camera captures images of moon's dark side - Trending - CBC News

Fund Planned Parenthood you Anti-Feminist Woman Hater!

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 70 Years Later

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 70 Years Later | Daily News |

Still think Pope Francis is 'soft' on abortion?

A little something to enjoy this Sunday when the news is light!

The true meaning of 'Pro-Life'.

I'm not usually a fan of Sr. Joan Chittister but she's right-on with this point.  Being pro-life is much, much more than just being 'pro-birth'. It requires a commitment to others that extends from conception through to life's natural end. One cannot claim to be pro-life and at the same time deny the right of every person to receiving the support required to be fed, housed, educated, and loved.