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I know Lent is a time of penance but this is ridiculous!

"Hey Buddy. Can you spare a cup of water?"

OK, so we don't often hear that in our daily lives but it's a request I put before you today. Evidently the water line from the main on the street (600+ ft away from church) has frozen somewhere across the school yard behind the Church. The town and the plumber say there's nothing that can be done other than to await the spring thaw.

So, I'm willing to give up somethings for Lent but I hadn't considered that it was going to be flush toilets, showers and drinking water.

Please say a prayer for warm weather or some other divine intervention as the thaw is still five or six weeks away from beginning in this part of the north. Either that or perhaps a prayer that I can find a plumber to do SOMETHING to get us water!!

Fr. Tim


  1. I'll ask a friend of mine whom I'm seeing tonight who works for Toronto water and see if he has any suggestions.

  2. Update: The plumber has 'opened up' the water line and inserted 200 ft of cable with a heater at the end. He ran out of cable before he hit the frozen spot.


    Now he's gone to get another 200 ft of cable. At $85 an hour, this is turning into a major financial disaster.

    And still no water :(

    Fr. Tim

  3. (BIG SIGH)

    400 ft and still no sign of the freeze point. The plumber has called it a day and says he'll be back first thing in the morning. He had to quit for the day as a major snow storm has descended upon us here and he wanted to get home while he could still get into his driveway.

    Damage to date: 6 hrs X $85.00 = $510 (plus HST)

    Who knows tomorrow will bring.

    Happy Ash Wednesday to all!

    Fr. Tim

  4. I am so sorry for all you are going through Father Tim.

    It's unbelievable!

    An Ash Wednesday to remember.

    I hope that problem is fix soon.

    Do not worry about that damage bill Father Tim,,,,just send that bill to Bishop Michael Mulhall.
    Seriously Father, he should help you!


  5. My water inspector suggested friend somthing similar. If it's on town land or school property won't they have to pay for it?


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