I received an email from a fellow blogger regarding the TV program "All American Muslim". Evidently a major sponsor had pulled its ads in response to a campaign that alleged the program was part of an Islamic attempt to subvert and prepare America for conversion to the Muslim faith.
Elizabeth Potter writes:
Visit her site and read up on the issue.
Elizabeth Potter writes:
I thought that you and the readers of Where the Rubber Hits the Road would be interested to know that Lowe's Home Improvement recently pulled its ads from the TLC show All-American Muslim in response to an organization claiming the show "falsely humanized Muslims in America.” This controversy has exposed more Islamophobia in America which falls directly in line with what the My Fellow American project is trying to prevent and overcome in America.
As a supporter of the project, would you please visit www.myfellowamerican.us to share what this controversy means to you? I encourage you to ask your readers to do the same to help spread the message of tolerance to fight back against intolerance and fear-mongering. We've just posted a host of new content from various entertainers and faith leaders on this topic.
Visit her site and read up on the issue.
I think the media is at fault as they are the problem not American Muslim.