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Happy New Year one and all. Here is the best list of New Year's Resolutions from Fr. James Martin, s.j. I couldn't say it better myself!

New Year's Resolutions for Absolutely Everyone - by Fr. James Martin s.j. 1.) Be Kind. That means... 2.) Always give everyone the benefit of the doubt. After all, why not? Everyone is carrying around some sort of burden. Usually one that you don't even know about. So give them a break. Even if they're being unreasonable.... 3.) Especially when you're talking about them with someone else. Honor the absent, as the saying goes. Spiritually speaking, it's essential. It's part of charity. Practically speaking, it makes sense too. Why? First, because you'll feel crummy about yourself afterwards. Second, because the person you're complaining to will probably see you as negative. Finally, it will inevitably get back to them. More to the point, it's mean. 4.) Don't be a jerk. There is simply no need to be. At all. Zero. Just because you're having a rotten day doesn't mean you have to pass it along your misery to someone else. It's important ...

N.W.T. Catholic Bishop Mark Hagemoen on the Pope and the apology - North - CBC News

+Mark Hagemoen was a year ahead of me in the Seminary. He was an upstanding person then; clearly he continues to be one as a bishop. His explanation as to why it would be good for the Holy Father to apologize again for the abuses suffered by Aboriginal students in the residential schools is the only one that makes sense to me. Framing the issue as he has, I can say that I hope and pray that it is indeed possible for Pope Francis to offer such an apology at a time and place agreeable to Canada's first nations peoples.  N.W.T. Catholic Bishop Mark Hagemoen on the Pope and the apology - North - CBC News

Something I bet you never knew. I didn't!

WATCH: Uranium emits radiation inside a cloud chamber - ScienceAlert

WATCH: Uranium emits radiation inside a cloud chamber - ScienceAlert

VIDEO: Homily on a Hoverboard: I thought I’d seen everything. I was wrong.

VIDEO: Homily on a Hoverboard |

Merry Christmas!!

Financial misconduct in parishes is all too common | Crux

Indeed, it is all too common! This is why I've always refused to have anything to do with handling the collections or making financial decisions in any parish where I've served. The only way to guarantee that money is correctly handled is to establish a system of transparency and accountability with multiple lay people handling the financial affairs. It should be this way in every parish. After all, a priest is only in a parish for a limited period of time but the laity will live there for most of their lives - at least, that's the case in this corner of the Catholic world. So why should the priest get to make decisions in lieu of the people who are going to have to live with the consequences in the long term? Financial misconduct in parishes is all too common | Crux

One of my favorite Christmas carols sung by one of my favorite singers: Silent Night, sung by Stevie Nicks

An answer to the charge that religion is the cause of most wars in the world

Source:  Encyclopedia of Wars

A haunting version of an old classic - The Sound of Silence

An artist for God despite the hardship: the truly inspiring story of Michael O’Brien | News | LifeSite

Michael O'Brien from Barry's Bay, Ontario is without a doubt the greatest Canadian Catholic novelist and writer of his time. I have read every one of his books and can honestly say that there isn't a dud in the bunch. In fact, his 'Father Elijah' is the book I power-read at the start of every annual retreat I make up in the woods of northern Quebec. The themes in that book set the agenda of a healthy priestly retreat without fail. This article is an account of his adult life. I am not at all surprised to discover that it is as inspirational as are his books and paintings. Hopefully, you will find it so as well.  An artist for God despite the hardship: the truly inspiring story of Michael O’Brien | News | LifeSite

Mash-Up of “Amazing Grace” and “Fight Song” Performed in the Scottish Highlands (Video) |

An open letter to our Member of Parliament, Mr. Will Amos

Mr. Amos: As a parish priest in your riding (Chapeau/St. Joseph's/Sheenboro) I am puzzled and offended by the Prime Minister's recent statement that he would be asking Pope Francis to apologize for the Catholic Church's involvement in the residential schools. Perhaps he is unaware that Pope Benedict XVI issued a formal apology in 2009? Or could it be that he does know this but just couldn't pass up an opportunity to cast the Catholic Church in as poor a light as possible? That is one of the trumpeted 'Quebec values' the preached about during the election, isn't it? The denigration of the Catholic Church and all institutions of faith? Right up there with the killing infants in the womb and old people in the beds? Fear not though sir. I will do my utmost to ensure that as many people as possible in our area are made aware of the fact that either our Prime Minister's staff lacks the competence to appreciate that they are asking for something they have alrea...

A Christmas meditation in the midst of these crazy days of preparation.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens review: J.J. Abrams crafts loving homage to original saga | National Post

Certain films are just meant to be viewed on a big screen. The latest installment of this saga is clearly one such movie. I'll be lining up asap to fork over my money and see this in the theatre... something I haven't done in quite a few years! Star Wars: The Force Awakens review: J.J. Abrams crafts loving homage to original saga | National Post

VIDEO: Modernity, Religion and Morality: A Conversation with George Weigel and Yoram Hazony - Ethics & Public Policy Center

During last month’s Advanced Institute in Jerusalem, “God, Politics, and the Future of Europe,” Tikvah hosted a conversation on “Modernity, Religion and Morality” to discuss the decline of Western Civilization and to probe some of the reasons behind it. What happens when faith in the God of the Bible deteriorates? How does that affect faith in reason and are the values of liberalism enough to sustain a society? The panel featured prominent intellectuals, George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow and William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Yoram Hazony, President of the Herzl Institute. The evening’s discussion was moderated by Daniel Johnson, founder and editor of Standpoint Magazine. Click on the link below to watch the presentation. VIDEO: Modernity, Religion and Morality: A Conversation with George Weigel and Yoram Hazony - Ethics & Public Policy Center

Get ready Ontario citizens. Thanks to Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal minions... soon 'Death Really is Coming to Town!'

Here below are a few of the 'highlights' from the report of committee empaneled by the Ontario government in response to the Euthanasia issue.  It begins by stating up front that the government should make such a 'service' available to its citizens - a stand in keeping with the recent Supreme Court decision from February 2015 mandating its legalization in the spring of 2016.  Primary among its recommendations is the removal of a physician's conscience rights not to participate in the process by requiring a doctor to refer a patient to another physician who will actually directly kill the patient. "Doctors, the report recommends, should be able to object to helping someone die, but it would then be their responsibility to transfer the patient to a doctor willing to accommodate such a request." They then get down to the business of determining who should be able to demand to be killed by their doctor. They suggest it be open to those who have: "A...

A Christmas Group Therapy Session - a little holiday something for all my old social work compatriots

Christmas Carols for the Psychologically Challenged!

Are We Finally Witnessing The Death Of Christianity In America? | Zack Hunt

"For a while now, declining Church attendance, the rise of the nones, and an increasingly secular society have all seemed like the biggest threats to the future of Christianity in America.   But that is not where the existential danger comes from. The future of Christianity in this country isn't threatened by shifting demographics. The Christian faith in America is on life support because far too many of us have simply stopped living like Jesus." Too true... Are We Finally Witnessing The Death Of Christianity In America? | Zack Hunt

Group Claiming to be Former Muslims Disrupts Masses Around Nevada |

This activity would be illegal in Canada where the law prohibits the disrupting of a religious service. But it does point out that the assumptions of civility between and within churches seems to be wearing away these days, in the US at least. I hope it's not a trend that spreads north of the border any time soon. Group Claiming to be Former Muslims Disrupts Masses Around Nevada |

When the Religion They Hated Was Ours |

I guess it's true that everything old is new again. This news story was printed in 1915. It's remarkable that you could replace 'Catholic' with 'Muslim' and it sounds like something from the mouth of Donald Trump! Yet in either case, it's little more than bigoted hate speech then and now. When the Religion They Hated Was Ours |

Explaining Mateo and Hobbs - my canine companions

People often ask me about the breed of my dogs and what they are like. I came across this drawing on Facebook earlier today which explains the breed perfectly.

University criticized for memo about holiday parties - Crux

"It also says holiday celebrations should not play games with religious themes such as Secret Santa, and the selection of decor and refreshments should be “general, not specific to any religion or culture.”   “Ensure your holiday party is not a Christmas party in disguise,” the memo says." Seriously? University criticized for memo about holiday parties | Crux

Confession Settlement that could halt the Sacrament of Confession in the Catholic Church: Pope Francis’ Missionary of Mercy complains | ARISE! LET US BE GOING!

This is a difficult article to read - not the content but the way that long commentary into the original text  - but it's an important issue to be addressed nonetheless. If priests can be sued for asking simple questions in the confessional, then we've really reached a point where some of us will end up going to jail or suffering other sanctions so that we can keep safe the seal of the confessional. IMHO, this case makes it all the more clear that confessions should ALWAYS be hear in a confessional or in a situation where there can be no question raised about inappropriate conduct on the part of either party to the confession. It's going to be the only type of protection priests can have in cases like this one... and even in this case where there is no allegation of inappropriate touching or contact, it was insufficient to protect the confessor from prosecution. Click on the link below and read the article for yourself: Confession Settlement that could halt the Sacramen...

1,052 mass shootings in 1,066 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like | US news | The Guardian

Given that the definition of a 'mass shooting' is four individuals shot and/or killed by one assailant, I can't help but ask in the face of this statistic:   'How's that 2nd amendment right working out for you Americans these days?'  It looks decidedly like a mixed blessing from this side of the border. 1,052 mass shootings in 1,066 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like | US news | The Guardian

An Eye-Opening Weekend At Retrouvaille |

I was honored to be a priest/chaplain at three Retrouvaille weekends and witnessed amazing things. For some, it was an experience that helped confirm their decision that their marriage was indeed beyond saving. For others, it provided the grace required to continue the fight to stay together. For a few more it was the launch pad into the union they had desired from the very beginning but somehow just couldn't achieve on their own. Before any Catholic/Christian couple makes the irrevocable decision to head to the divorce lawyers, I highly recommend searching for the closest Retrouvaille weekend they can find. After all, once they've reached that point in a marriage... what have they got to lose? An Eye-Opening Weekend At Retrouvaille |

An interview with George Weigel on his most recent book and last October's Synod on Family Life

The Transgender “Craze”: What is the compassionate response?|

My favorite comment about this issue came in the wake of Bruce  (a.k.a. Caitlyn)  Jenner being named 'Woman of the Year' by Glamour Magazine when a feminist activist asked" "How can you named Woman of the Year when you haven't been a woman for a year?" Good question imho. The Transgender “Craze” |

A little visual proof as to why Syrians are fleeing their country and should be allowed into ours as refugees

Syria: Then and Now

The joys of living with Beardies!!

A little bathroom message from Hobbs (& Mateo too!) I always think of you... Lol Posted by Comedy Club 24/7 on Thursday, November 26, 2015

A wonderful version of an old religious standard - 'How Great Thou Art'

The pastor's challenge in one simple cartoon. Thank you Scott Hahn!

A Thanksgiving Meditation on Freedom and Its Enemies | George Weigel | First Things

"Shortly after jihadist murderers killed over 130 people in Paris, seven of the terrorists blowing themselves up in the process, President Obama spoke to the nation and described the massacres as “an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.”   No, Mr. President; with all respect, it was not...." A Thanksgiving Meditation on Freedom and Its Enemies | George Weigel | First Things

A little marital wisdom

RCMP, CSIS support Trudeau’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees - The Globe and Mail

A little something to assuage the fears of those who are worried about bringing these refugees to safety here in Canada. RCMP, CSIS support Trudeau’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees - The Globe and Mail

Mother Teresa could be canonised in September 2016 - Vatican Insider

Mother Teresa could be canonised in September 2016 - Vatican Insider

A heartwarming commercial!

ECT at Twenty | Timothy George and Thomas G. Guarino | First Things

From the introduction to Evangelicals and Catholics Together at Twenty: Vital Statements on Contested Topics (Brazos, 2015), edited by Timothy George and Thomas G. Guarino, with foreword by George Weigel, and prefaces by Timothy Cardinal Dolan and J.I Packer. This volume contains the nine public statements with introductions published by Evangelicals and Catholics Together since 1994. ECT at Twenty | Timothy George and Thomas G. Guarino | First Things

ISIS at the Doors: Erasing the Memory of a Christian Europe | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

"By indulging our fetish for spiritual and cultural forgetfulness, we have permitted the coming-to-be of a hell on earth under the reign of ISIS." Really? Decide for yourself. Click on the link below to read the entire article. ISIS at the Doors: Erasing the Memory of a Christian Europe | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Pope Francis Donates Crucifix Given to Him by Raul Castro |

Pope Francis is donating to the parish church of Lampedusa a crucifix given to him by President Raul Castro of Cuba during the recent papal visit to the Caribbean island. Measuring almost ten feet high, the crucifix is crafted from wooden oars tied with ropes to symbolize the reality of migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean by boat. Click on link to read entire story: Pope Francis Donates Crucifix Given to Him by Raul Castro |

Attack on the Historical Catholic Church and Other Kinds of Ignorance in the Calls for a Reformation of Islam | Omnia Vincit Veritas

I disagree with the premise of this article. The author condemns the idea that there is a parallel between what is happening within the Muslim world today (a civil war between the Sunni and Shia sects being waged by fundamentalists on either side) and what Christianity experienced during the period following the Reformation. His argument is essentially doctrinal (Christian reformed churches did not challenge the dogma of Christianity) but he fails to look at what we Christians went through on a process level.  What brought an end to the religious wars that followed the Reformation was not a doctrinal resolution between the sects. That much is true. But the means by which we reorganized our society and the role that the various denominations played within them was the key to achieving peace in Europe. This is the lesson that Christianity can bring to the Islamic world. We learned how to undo 'Christendom' (the belief that Church and State are indivisible) via the development o...

French defense officials to pope: We can’t protect you in Africa | Crux

ROME — Officials at the French Ministry of Defense reportedly are urging Pope Francis to cancel his scheduled Nov. 29-30 visit to the Central African Republic because the 900 French troops in the war-torn nation can’t guarantee the pontiff’s safety. Click on link to read entire story:  French defense officials to pope: We can’t protect you in Africa | Crux

John Paul II's “Beloved Krakow” | George Weigel | First Things

"My reflections on the Christian truths embodied in John Paul II’s life of heroic sanctity are then amplified by historical and artistic notes on the city provided by my friend and former colleague, Carrie Gress, the whole package being illustrated by the splendid photographs taken by my son, Stephen Weigel. (In the e-book edition, all the photos are in radiant color.)" Click on link below to read the entire article John Paul II's “Beloved Krakow” | George Weigel | First Things

Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering | National Catholic Reporter

I love the line, " We are not living an era of change but a change of era ." It fits the book I'm reading today (as I lay around trying to recover from a nasty chest cold) entitled ' Rebuilt:  Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter ' . It's an excellent read for any pastor or parishioner concerned with a declining parish community. Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering | National Catholic Reporter