Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering | National Catholic Reporter
I love the line, "We are not living an era of change but a change of era." It fits the book I'm reading today (as I lay around trying to recover from a nasty chest cold) entitled 'Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter'. It's an excellent read for any pastor or parishioner concerned with a declining parish community.
Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering | National Catholic Reporter
Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering | National Catholic Reporter
Yes but what does Francis mean by that comment? It is very difficult to know exactly what he is saying as he speaks many times without considering how he will be interpreted.In many ways his comments have created confusion and his recent episcopal appointments do not help allay that confusion.If only he and our own bishops would speak as clearly as the current bishop of Hong Kong...but let's not hold our breaths.