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Showing posts from August, 2012

In the Line of Fire: The Clint Eastwood Train Wreck | Swampland |

Time Magazine's take on what was the single most bizarre political speech that I have ever witnessed delivered by Clint Eastwood. Up to now, the honor of the worst speech belonged to Jacques Parizeau in the wake of his loss in the Quebec referendum. (Who can forget his 'it was money and the ethnic vote' rationale for the loss?) But after last night, the former mayor Carmel by the Sea in California occupies the top (?) rung on this ladder of shame and insanity. In the Line of Fire: The Clint Eastwood Train Wreck | Swampland |

An article from The Economist putting the temporal affairs of the Catholic Church under a microscope.

An article from The Economist putting the temporal affairs of the Catholic Church under a microscope. Here are the opening sentences: OF ALL the organisations that serve America’s poor, few do more good work than the Catholic church: its schools and hospitals provide a lifeline for millions. Yet even taking these virtues into account, the finances of the Catholic church in America are an unholy mess. Click on the title to read the source article. 

Pussy Riot members sentenced to 2 years in prison for 'punk prayer' | CTVNews

While this story has been framed as a case of oppression of free speech and artistic expression, in fact it is something else. Note that this band participated in a 'guerrilla performance' in the Cathedral. This means that they burst in on a religious service, (orthodox mass)  and took to the altar to perform their song - deliberately written to offend religious sensibilities.What  they did would have resulted in charges even here in Canada! They had NO RIGHT to trespass into a building and distrupt a public event religious or otherwise. That's not 'artistic expression'. It was trespassing and creating a public disturbance. Should they be sentenced to two years of prison? No. But they certainly deserved to be convicted of something. Pussy Riot members sentenced to 2 years in prison for 'punk prayer' | CTVNews

Man Walks in with Chick-fil-A Swag and a Gun intending to kill the staff at the Family Research Council in Washington DC

Suzanne Fortin at BIG BLUE WAVE makes a valid point when she decries the silence of the pro-choice crowd in the wake of this attack. Evidently they don't seem to be as concerned when others who don't share their values are menaced. They only seem to scream condemnations when it's one of their own are subjected to violence and harm. Man Walks in with Chick-fil-A Swag and a Gun…UPDATE

Is Richard Dawkins a bully or a prophet of reason

Here's an interesting article from Australia on the most prominent of the 'new atheists': Dr. Richard Dawkins. He is the author of 'The God Delusion'. It's his tome against God and faith. Check out the article and decide for yourself whether the man is a prophet of a new age of reason over faith... or just a bully.

Sikhs originally from Italy? Oy vey | Holy Post | National Post

From the man who said he could 'pray away' a hurricane (something he claimed while running for President back in the day) I offer this latest bit of nonsense blaming atheists for the recent spate of mass shootings in the USA. The most salient point in this column is that just because someone doesn't believe in God doesn't mean that they either hate Him or his followers. NOTHING GOOD is accomplished by using such a broad sweeping generalization as claiming that atheism leads to such tragedies. Thanks to Rationalist who posted a link to this article on today's Holy Post blog on the National Post site. Sikhs originally from Italy? Oy vey | Holy Post | National Post

Todd Bentley: MP calls for ban on tattooed preacher who 'cures' cancer by kicking people in the face | Mail Online

Oh my God. Can the Apocalypse be far away if this is what passes as religious/Christian faith these days? Here's a little quote from a story in today's Online Daily Mail to illustrate my point. "Burly Mr Bentley, 36, said in one YouTube clip: ‘And I’m thinking  why is the power of God not moving? And He said, “Because you haven’t kicked that woman in the face.” ‘And there is this older lady worshipping right in front of the platform and the Holy Spirit spoke to me. The gift of faith comes on me. He said, “Kick her in the face with your biker boot.” I inched closer  and I went bam! And just as my boot made contact with her nose, she fell under the power of God.’" If you've got the stomach for it, click on the link below to read the rest of the article and decide for yourself. The signs aren't looking good for those who fear Christ's return. Personally, I'd be keeping a wary eye open for the four horsemen of the Apocalypse just in case. Tod...