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Showing posts from March, 2013

Pope Francis prays for peace in Syria, Korea at Easter mass | CTV News

Pope Francis prays for peace in Syria, Korea at Easter mass | CTV News

Happy Easter to all who travel 'where the rubber hits the road'.

He is risen... He is risen indeed! Happy Easter to one and all. Fr. Tim

Alberta's 'King Ralph' remembered - Calgary - CBC News

Love him or hate him as Alberta premier... Ralph Klein was 'one of a kind' indeed.  Rest in peace old cowboy. Alberta's 'King Ralph' remembered - Calgary - CBC News

Dear Rightwing Catholic Islamophobes: Pope Francis just washed the feet of a Poor Muslim | Informed Comment

I post this article as a counter-weight to the article about the Christian pastor arrested in Iran. A substantial conversation was inspired by that first article and it seemed appropriate to present an article that presents a second perspective on the issue of Muslim/Christian relations. Your thoughts? Dear Rightwing Catholic Islamophobes: Pope Francis just washed the feet of a Poor Muslim | Informed Comment

Wife of imprisoned pastor speaks out – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Saeed Abedini, a U.S. citizen of Iranian birth, was arrested and charged in Iran last June during a visit. Abedini, 32, converted to Christianity from Islam and then became a pastor, living in Boise, Idaho. He has reportedly been detained in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison since late September. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, a Muslim who converts to another faith can face the death penalty. "They've charged him with Christian gatherings, and they're saying it is a threat to the national security," Naghmeh Abedini said. Saeed Abedini and his wife, Naghmeh Abedini and children in happier times Evidently Rev. Abedini has been sentenced to 8 years in an Iranian prison. This, for the crime of serving as pastor for the Christian community in that country. This is not something that can be tolerated by civilized countries. The tiny Christian communities in Iran and Iraq can trace their roots back to the earliest days of the faith. It was the apostles themsel...

"The Shroud is not a fake" - Vatican Insider

"The Shroud is not a fake" - Vatican Insider

Abortion debate: Conservative MPs say Harper muzzling them | Canadian Politics | Canada | News | National Post

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said Warawa’s point of privilege is one of the most important she has heard. “It cuts to the core of what is wrong with parliamentary democracy,” said May. “We are not here as teams. The principle of Westminster parliamentary democracy is that we are here are representatives of our constituencies and our constituents. Incidentally, we are merely members of political parties.” Abortion debate: Conservative MPs say Harper muzzling them | Canadian Politics | Canada | News | National Post

Neat video dealing with the relationship between faith and science

A bit of Catholic wisdom

A summary of the challenges facing the new Pope by the secular trends in the West

Mary Eberstadt , of the EPPC think-tank in Washington reflects upon the challenges that Pope Francis faces from secularist mentality in the West. Click on the following link to read her article: Home > Publications >

Another interview with my friend George Weigel on the election of Pope Francis

LOPEZ: People are asking me: "So when do Vatican heads roll"? It that the wrong way to look at this? The wrong question to ask? WEIGEL: Change in personnel is essential and it's coming: The most important decision the new pope has made thus far is to extend the terms of the heads of Vatican departments only provisionally -- meaning, I assume, that he is going to assess the situation carefully and then make serious changes. When I spoke at some length with Cardinal Bergoglio in Buenos Aires last May, he had a very clear idea of what was wrong in the curia, and what needed to be changed so that the many good people who work there can make the contribution they want to make to the new evangelization. Just as important, though, is a change in institutional culture in the Church's Roman engine room. On several occasions since his election, Pope Francis has warned against the dangers of clerical careerism. If he brings that concern to the reform of the curia, things will l...

Happy first day of spring!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Pope Francis would like to see ‘a poor church and a church for the poor’ | World | News | National Post

What do you know? Finally Mattawa is ahead of the curve! We've been a poor parish ever since the collapse of the local logging industry about five years ago. Somehow though, I think that this isn't entirely what Pope Francis means when he calls for a 'poor church'. Still, it's nice to be in the vanguard for a change! Pope Francis would like to see ‘a poor church and a church for the poor’ | World | News | National Post

New pope chosen: Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio who becomes Pope Francis I | CTV News

“This is a man who goes into the shantytowns and cooks with the people," said Gerard O’Connell, CTV Vatican specialist. "I think the world is going to discover a very new style of being pope." THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!! New pope chosen: Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio who becomes Pope Francis I | CTV News Addendum:  Bergoglio often rode the bus to work, cooked his own meals and regularly visited the slums that ring Argentina’s capital. He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church. He accused fellow church leaders of hypocrisy and forgetting that Jesus Christ bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes. “Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit,” Bergoglio told Argentina’s priests last year. ----------------------------- Bergoglio may be basically conservat...

Pope Francis elected pontiff, formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina | Holy Post | National Post

Pope Francis elected pontiff, formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina | Holy Post | National Post

R.I.P. Fr. R. Murray Tardiff - Diocese of Pembroke

I ask your prayers for the repose of soul of Fr. Murray Tardiff of our Pembroke Diocese. Murray has been a good friend for almost 30 years and his death has come as a surprise. He replaced me in Mattawa during my vacation over the past two weeks - and upon returning home, he went to the doctor as he was feeling under the weather. Evidently he was suffering for an advance cancer that had metastasized throughout his body and died three days after being admitted to the hospital last week. Please keep his sister and brother in your prayers during this time of bereavement. Fr. Tim

A credible candidate for Pope who understands how to use cultural references as a medium for evangelization.

A credible candidate for Pope who understands how to use cultural references as a medium for evangelization. Cardinal Scola reminds me of Alberto Luciani who was elected as John Paul I who, even though pontiff for only one month demonstrated the efficacy of using such a pastoral approach. If the future Bishop of Rome chosen by the Cardinals in upcoming conclave has any hope of stemming the tide currently running against the Church in the West, he will need to be able to preach and teach in a manner that resonates with them. On the whole, they are bereft of any catechetical instruction and unable to comprehend the heavily theological laden teachings of recent popes. The capacity to reformulate the truths of faith using modern cultural references would seem to be the only way to reach those who have turned away from the Church.