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Showing posts from June, 2014

Fr. Robert Baron comments on Bill Maher's take on the Bible and other religious topics

A good question!

Ex-RCMP officer co-invents marijuana breathalyzer | CTV News

This is positive news. IMHO impaired is impaired. It doesn't matter if it's via alcohol, lack of sleep or drugs. Once the State possesses the means of determining impairment for cannabis ensuring safety on the roads, it will be time to legalize it rather than continuing to fruitlessly spend billions trying to maintain its prohibition. I hope this technology both works and soon finds it's way into the hands of the police tasked to keep our roads safe. Ex-RCMP officer co-invents marijuana breathalyzer | CTV News

News anchor loses it while reporting on a cat weight loss program. Just something to put a smile on your face on this Friday the 13th!

Priest killed at Phoenix church was a grad of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is a Catholic institution situated in our Diocese of Pembroke. The quality of their graduates is second to none! It is indeed a tragic time for the staff, students, and graduates of OLSW that one of their own has lost his life in such a terrible manner. Priest killed at Phoenix church was a grad of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom

Horst Thuemen - Obituaries:

Horst Thuemen was the organist at the Cathedral in Pembroke for many years; probably the most talented organist I've ever had the privilege of knowing. His passion for music was matched only by his faith and commitment to his family. He will be missed on earth... but heaven will no doubt sound a little more glorious with his presence.  Rest in Peace Horst... and thank you for the incredible gift of music you shared. Horst Thuemen - Obituaries - Pembroke, ON - Your Life Moments

Time to care for our jaded priests

Here's an article sent to me from a brother priest. Given that I'm laid out again with a health issue while still trying to serve as pastor for three parishes it seemed to have some resonance for me today. I've decided to post it even though I expect my in-box to fill up with nasty comments accusing me of whining and feeling sorry for myself. (They usually follow any article which suggests that priests live anything other than the 'easy life'. You know...'the one day work-week with no heavy lifting' stereotype.) Yet as our numbers continue to fall the realities being faced by the Irish priests is something that we've been dealing with for almost 20 years here in Canada - so I know that the author is correct in his conclusions. Hopefully though, they will make better use of the talents and skills presented to the Church by her faithful lay members than we have. We still have too many priests who are killing themselves with stress simply because they thi...

Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Morality Show, Game Show, and New Reality Series Highlight New Fall Season at CatholicTV

A reality TV show on a Catholic network? Really? Won't you think that's a little 'low class' for a network striving to promote Catholicism? Sometimes I think we try a little too hard to be hip with the gospel message. This might just be one such example. Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Morality Show, Game Show, and New Reality Series Highlight New Fall Season at CatholicTV