I have called people like Mr. Lawler modern-day Catherine of Siennas. In Canada, we have Sylvia MacEachern (http://www.theinquiry.ca/wordpress/) who has done the same for many years. The only true disinfectant for these sordid scandals is the light of day and they bring it... big time! They literally put their own souls in danger by dealing in the squalor of these affairs, not for glory or praise, but because they truly, deeply, and authentically love their Church. All Catholics of good faith and heart owe them a great debt of gratitude. I know that there are times in which they might be wrong in presuming that this priest or that bishop is guilty. But their batting average is in the stratosphere and can be forgiven the occasional mistake. Please pray for these good souls. We would still be knee-deep and blind to the predations of criminal clerics and feckless bishops were it not for their hard work and dedication. Sick of hearing about scandals in the Church? You should be. (Part...