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Showing posts from November, 2018

A little something to ponder as a walk through some of the trials in life that test our faith

Conservative order of nuns on verge of destruction following Vatican interventions | News | Lifesitenews

I rarely (and I mean RARELY) post anything from LifeSiteNews as it has been my experience that they sometimes play pretty loosely when it comes to presenting the facts about various issues and events in the Church. But this article - if correctly presented - is something that should concern all religious communities. If the Vatican can intrude into the life of an order simply because its members choose to live their lives as nuns in a traditional manner, then it can do the same to any order for any reason it so chooses. In this case, it is wrong IMHO. So long as an order is not doing anything in contravention to the Canons of the Church or violating Church teaching, doctrine, or dogma, they should be free to live out their vows in whichever way they decide supports their founding charism. Read the article and decide for yourself whether or not the Vatican has overstepped its rightful role in the life of this French religious order of nuns. Conservative order of nuns on verge of des...

Friendship is Rooted in Charity

I will soon be pausing my parish ministry to take advantage of the opportunity of a sabbatical for the first time in my almost 30 years as a priest. I will be attending St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, MD to research the topic of 'Friendship as a model of the moral life' with the aid of an academic advisor. An article such as this one is right up that alley. I hope to find many more just like it during the first five months of 2019. I trust you will enjoy reading it as much as I have. Friendship is Rooted in Charity

This is a short video that EVERY PARENT should watch

The 10 Commandments from a Dog's Point of View

Daily Catholic Prayer: Not actually a news event, but anything that starts with St. Teresa of Calcutta is worth contemplating

Daily Catholic Prayer

This is a video that everyone should watch, either to lift up your spirits and make you feel better or if not, maybe it'll just make you a better person for having seen it.

A classic response, two months after leaving hospital for being shot in an assassination attempt.

Hard for me to believe that the current resident in the White House could do nearly as well. Evidently, he's even afraid of a little rain in France.

Need a lift? This video mash-up might be just the ticket!