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Showing posts from March, 2018

An amazing rendition of 'The Prayer'

R.I.P. Stephen Hawking

Pentatonix covers a John Lennon's classic: Imagine

This Mormon Missionary Got Into An Epic Dance Battle With A Michael Jackson Impersonator.

This cow explains Catholic religious orders and congregations better than most textbooks

This cow explains Catholic religious orders and congregations better than most textbooks

NASA discovers massive clusters of cyclones — each one thousands of km across — churning over Jupiter’s poles

NASA discovers massive clusters of cyclones — each one thousands of km across — churning over Jupiter’s poles | National Post

The courts keep inventing new rights, turning our Charter on its head | National Post

This article makes clear the hypocrisy that passes as legal logic by Canadian courts. On one hand, a doctor who refers a woman to a doctor to undergo female genital mutilation procedures is criminally responsible for the procedure if it occurs. Why? Because in the eyes of the courts, the relationship of referral agent and end service provider renders both morally guilty of the end act. Yet the court applies the exact opposite assessment regarding the relationship between two doctors when it comes to decisions on any of the 'life' questions. (Abortion, Euthanasia, etc.) There they claim that no moral relationship exists between the referrer and end provider thus there exists no need to protect the former's conscience issues from the actions of the actual service provider. Oh well. I guess those folks that say 'consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds' must have been thinking about those who act as judges in Canada's court system because a consistency of l...

Like reading? Why not tackle some of Pope Francis' favourite books?

Looking for something new to read to make the rest of this season of Lent a spiritually enriching and productive one? Or are you just looking for a good book? In either case, you may want to consult the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church, to find out what books have influenced his spiritual life, inspired and simply entertained him. For Pope Francis, a former literature professor who never watches television, books have been and continue to be an important part of his life's journey. Fortunately, you don’t need a private audience with Pope Francis to get his reading recommendations. The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has published an 11-volume series of the pope’s favorite books. The website has also gone through his speeches, interviews, and his writing, to help us come up with this tidy 10-booklist of Pope Francis’ recommended reading which will take you well beyond Lent. Pope Francis’ favorite books--Aleteia :

A song for all of we 'grammar cops' who like to write...