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Showing posts from January, 2018

Emails reveal hurdles for patients seeking assisted deaths at faith-based facilities

Since when has it been considered mandatory that every hospital provides every medical procedure that a patient demands? This is really little more than an attempt by the promoters of M.A.I.D. to force faith-based institutions to provide procedures that conflict with the values upon which they have been founded and operated. Emails reveal hurdles for patients seeking assisted deaths at faith-based facilities - British Columbia - CBC News

Haven't we all had weeks that felt like this?

How the Canada Summer Jobs program became a freedom-of-religion controversy

There’s an article published on the National Post website that supplies a ‘play-by-play’ analysis of how we have come to the situation which led to my recent foray into the public forum. I bring to your attention the paragraph posted below this commentary. It should explain why I decided we had nothing to lose by my speaking out. When I read  ‘(N)o such organization will receive funding from any constituencies represented by Liberal MPs.’ , there really was no other option. Who knew that we would be punished for voting in a member of the government’s party in the last election? Evidently, he represents a party that has no comprehension of the concept of respecting ‘issues of conscience’. 'The story was picked up by iPolitics in April 2017 and, in response, Employment Minister Patty Hajdu’s office put out a statement that said: “Any funding provided to an organization that works to limit women’s reproductive rights last summer was an oversight … That’s why this year we...

The Pope marries a couple on the papal airplane. Hmmm.

“ 'The Pope married someone on an airplane!   Why won’t you, Father, marry us right now here at the zoo?'     What do you want to bet that sort of thing will pop up for priests after this?" That was exactly the thought that came to my mind when I read what Pope Francis did. I pray it doesn't come to pass. The Pope marries a couple on the papal airplane. Hmmm. | Fr. Z's Blog

New study seeks to understand why young people leave the Church

"Among the various dynamics of disaffiliation, the authors identified six major root causes: an event or series of events leading to doubt; increased cultural secularization; a new sense of freedom after abandoning religious belief; a rejection of a faith that they believe was forcibly passed on to them; the conviction that it is possible to live an ethical life without religion; and a willingness to reevaluate their faith if presented with rational argument or evidence." New study seeks to understand why young people leave the Church

Trudeau Doubles Down On His Commitment To End Funding For Pro Life Groups

I use the phrase “so-called” because, despite the common erroneous media narrative on this issue, if you look closely at the Supreme Court’s landmark decision, as laid out in  R. v Morgentaler,  you will see that   none  of the seven judges found that there was a constitutional right to abortion during all the nine months of pregnancy. That’s right. You read that correctly.  Zero out of the seven Supreme Court Justices concluded that on demand, unrestricted abortion was a constitutional right. Despite the Prime Minister best efforts to convince you otherwise, on demand, unrestricted abortion is not a right protected in the Charter. Read the rest of the article by clicking on the link below: Trudeau Doubles Down On His Commitment To End Funding For Pro Life Groups - The Post Millennial