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Showing posts from July, 2015

Katy Perry and archbishop vs. the nuns: Judge seeks middle ground over sale of former convent | National Post

The case pits two of the five sisters against Archbishop Jose Gomez who agreed to sell the estate to Perry, the flamboyant pop singer who rose to fame with the hit โ€œI Kissed A Girlโ€ and has been known to shoot whipped cream out of her brassiere.   The sisters arenโ€™t fans โ€” โ€œfor what should be obvious reasons coming from Catholic nuns,โ€ they said in a filing. They claim the head of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles illegally amended the bylaws of the nonprofit that has title to the property in a โ€œhostile takeoverโ€ so he could seal the deal with Perry against their wishes.   For his part, Gomez cites both canon and California law as being on his side in the bid to annul the nunsโ€™ transaction with local restaurateur Dana Hollister. Sheโ€™s taken possession of the place, and has started fixing it up. โ€œItโ€™s fascinating on all different levels,โ€ said Sonia Lee, a lawyer not involved in the case. โ€œI never thought Iโ€™d see the day when Katy Perry is in bed with the archbishop.โ€ Click on the...

Tragically true.

Quebec orders hospitals to cut $150 million in direct care to patients | Montreal Gazette

Of all the โ€œoptimization measures,โ€ the most controversial is compelling doctors to stop ordering tests that the government is now considering โ€œunnecessaryโ€ in the context of fiscal austerity. Patient-rights advocates and managers in the health system are warning that this sets a dangerous precedent, opening the door to ageism and the prospect of clinicians no longer performing tests for people above a certain age. Read the entire article by clicking on the link below. Quebec orders hospitals to cut $150 million in direct care to patients | Montreal Gazette

This sounds about right imho!

Obama Spokesman on Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts: They Say They're "Ethical" |

Obama Spokesman on Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts: They Say They're "Ethical" |

Finding a smile in the midst of the current debate over transsexualism - hardly a subject noted for its panoply of appropriate jibes and jollies.

Do you see the Pluto in Pluto? Walt Disney was clearly an amazing man!!

The proper way to form this question!

Pope Francis apparently not amused by 'communist crucifix' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Gee... I wonder why the Pope didn't like it? (he says with sarcasm) Pope Francis apparently not amused by 'communist crucifix' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

To Be American* (*or insert nationality here) or To Be Catholic -- Which Comes First? - Aleteia

The best exploration of this question that I've read was  Fr. Richard J. Neuhaus 's American Babylon . It was the last book he published prior to his death and consists of his reflections on the relationship between his citizenships in both the American and Christian 'kingdoms' (the best part of the book) and a long jeremiad levelled against Richard Rorty (not RJN's best by a long-shot). I look forwarding to reading it again in the week to come - the first of my summer vacation breaks at my cottage. It will be my personal sanctuary within which to hide as I'll be sharing the place with the family of a former neighbouring pastor whose friendship I encountered as we both served in the Mattawa area. My property and cottage are small and Phil and Amanda will be bringing their four young daughters and one foster daughter with them - so I cope by taking some time each day to sit alone under a tree or in a local bakery sipping coffee, reading in peace, and revelling in...